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SCBF Stop#2 Results, Shoreham BMX

Ronnie Gaska, SCBF high jump

There were some amazing competitions that went down at stop#2 of the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest check out the results below!
SCBF Striders
1st. Aiden Drake
2nd. Bear Graham
3rd. Caige Drake

brant sadenwater high jump
High Jump Jrs:
1st. Brant Sadenwater
Other competitors
Danny Kelly
James Pintauro
Finn McIntyre

Oscar High Jump
High Jump 16&Over:
1st: Oscar Frias
Other Competitors:
Ian Blake
Austin Modell
Charlie Farrell
Ronnie Gaska
Bill Curtin
Taylor Fichtner
John Dugan
Keith Kelly
Keith Newell
Tom Bivona
John “Supes” Skvarla

sadie finn
MTB VS Cruisers Jrs
1st. Finn McIntyre
2nd. Sadie King

Kyle SCBF MTB Vs Cruisers
MTB VS Cruisers Adults
1st. Kyle Asuncian
2nd. Keith Newell
3rd. Matt King
4th. Tod Roseman

Cyclocross Jrs
Cyclocross Meets BMX Jr’s
1st: Michael Amaris
2nd: Palblo Londono
3rd: Keira Amaris
4th: Migel Londono
5th: Julia Roseman
6th: Matteo Johnson

Cyclocross boys
Cyclocross Meets BMX Boys
1st. Kyle Asuncion
2nd. Brant Sadenwater
3rd. Danny Kelly
4th. James Pintauro
5th. Shane Hampson

Cyclocross Men
Cyclocross Meets BMX Adults
1st: Taylor Fichtner
2nd: Ronnie Gaska
3rd: John “Supes” Skvarla
4th: Chris Hald
5th: Ian Blabac
Other Competitors:
Austin Modell
TJ Seeley
Keith Kelly
John Dugan
Lee Kirsch
Lanee Asuncion

Tayler, Ronnie, Kyle
Fastest Gate
1st. Ronnie Gaska 1.58
2nd. Kyle Asunsion 1.61
3rd. Taylor Fichtner 1.60
4th. John Dugan 1.63
5th. Tom Bivona 1.65
6th. Keith Newell 1.69
7th. Austin Modell 1.73
8th. TJ Seeley 1.76
9th. Michael Amaris 1.80
10th. Keith Kelly 1.82
10th. Brant Sadenwater 1.82
11th. Dan Kelley 1.88
12th. Tom Seeley 1.89
13th. John Lynn 2.02
14th. James Pintauro 1.95
15th. Finn Mcintyre 2.13
15th. Keira Amaris 2.13
16th. Julia Roseman 2.49
17th. Matteo Johnson 2.52

finn brant danny
First Straight Style Jrs
1st. Brant Sadenwater
2nd. Finn McIntyre
3rd. Dan Kelley
4th. Matteo Johnson

ronnie, keith, john, first straight style
First Straight Style Adults
1st. Ronnie Gaska
2nd. Keith Newell
3rd. John Dugan
Other Competitors
Austin Modell
Tayler Fichtner
Tom Bivona
Oscar Frias

Taylor, brant
Last Straight Dash Jrs
1st. Brant Sadenwater (On the right in the photo)
Other Competitors
Danny Kelly
Thomas Seeley
Michael Amaris
Matteo Johnson

taylor, brant, last straight dash
Last Straight Dash Adults
1st. Taylor Fichtner (On the left in the photo)
Other Competitors
John Dugan
Keith Kelly
TJ Seeley
Tom Bivona

brant long jump
Long Jump Jrs
1st. Brant Sadenwater
2nd. Dan Kelly
3rd. Michael Amaris

john taylor, finn, Kyle
Bike Relay
1st Place Team:
John Dugan, Taylor Fitchner, Finn McIntyre, Kyle Asuncion
2nd Place Team:
Ronnie Gaska, Matteo Johnson, Michael Amaris, Ian Blake
3rd Place Team:
Keith Kelley, Tom Bivona, Kiera Amaris, Dan Kelley
Other teams:
Lance Asuncion, Thomas Seeley, Sadie King, Matt King
TJ Seeley, Austin Modell, Brant Sadenwater, Riley Bivona


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Sugar Cayne Bike Fest, Shoreham

Sugar Cayne Bike Fest, Stop#2 Shoreham BMX (681 Photos)


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