

Hats That Won’t Fly Off When You Ride (@findlayhats)

Portland Oregon based head wear brand Findlay Hats had a booth setup at the recent Agenda Show NYC at the Jacob Javits Center. Findlay Hats make some cool fitted caps that come with custumizable laces to help keep your hat on your head in windy and other conditions that would normally make your had come off. Not only are the hats unique, they also come is some nice designs and colorways. I got Findley Hats founder Jimmy Hickey to tell me more about the hats and he also gave me a demo on how the hats work.

About Findlay Hats:

Our hats come with a patent pending, customizable, functional & interchangeable lace that is designed to keep your hat on your head through anything. When not laced down, the lace rests peacefully on the top of the bill and can be tied & styled in many different ways. To spice things up a bit, we also added a small pocket on the inside of the hat. This inside friendly stash pocket allows a little extra storage for some cash or your ID.
What we make is built to last and designed to withstand any test they come across out in the wild or on the streets. ~Findlay Hats


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