
SCBF2015 At Shoreham, Iron Man And Iron Woman Prizes

Austin Modell, SCBF Prizes
Austin Modell's prizes from the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest

Sugar Cayne Bike Fest Iron Man and Woman
We had our latest Sugar Cayne Bike Fest this past weekend at Shoreham BMX in Long Island and it was awesome! Our big winners of the event Austin Modell and Tiffany Melosi. Not only did they rack up a lot of wins they also won our big Iron Man/Iron Woman awards. The top male and female riders who end the day with the most points end up winning our Iron Man/Iron Woman award

Austin and Tiffany send us photos of all their winnings from the day. Check em out below

Austin Modell, SCBF Prizes
Austin Modell’s prizes from the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest

All of that winning placed Austin as the current SCBF2015 season points leader
Tiffany Melosi SCBF Prizes
Tiffany is currently ranked 4th in the SCBF2015 season points

We like to thank all our sponsors Snafu, Hyper, Skyway, Lawman Bikes, Bike New York, Pedal Sock, Team Corrosive, Education Outdoors, Launch Mode, Next Level BMX and of course Shoreham BMX Track
Check out our official Sugar Cayne Bike Fest website for photos, rider stats and our 2015 schedule


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