Crazy Al Cayne kicked it with Hector Mendez at Agenda NYC about Vlado Footwear. Vlado makes a ton of some really dope sneakers, shoes and boots and Hector gave us a look at the brand’s fall/winter footwear collection. Check out the video below for more details.
About Vlado Footwear:
Established in 2003 with the need to bring a lifestyle brand that would set itself apart from the ordinary, Vlado Footwear embarked on a path to be Exceptional. Starting with a few select styles for men, Vlado Footwear quickly achieved industry recognition. Several industry publications proclaimed Vlado Footwear the brand to watch.
With the ideology of producing innovative designs, Vlado Footwear has stuck to using avant-garde materials. Pushing for innovation of new production techniques, development, and resourcing of new materials, Vlado Footwear has separated itself from the ordinary moving forward to deliver an exceptional brand worldwide.