At the end of the season last year the world famous Velosolutions Brooklyn Pump Track, NYC’s first paved pump track got partially plowed for the construction purposes making the big line un-rideable. The only line that was available to ride was the oval “Beginner’s” line. It was a huge bummer for everyone that rides there.
But for this year we have good (And Bad) news!! The Velosolutions team took what was left of the big line and patched it up with a new paved flow line!! It’s not as big as it once was but it looks awesome! Also the overall area of the pump track section has been increased creating room for food trucks and more vendors to pull in. Plus they’re currently working on making a dirt jump line and even a stage for live shows!! It’s gonna be an awesome summer for the park and we cant’ wait to be a part of it! Speaking of that, we’re planning to bring the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest events back to the park so stay tuned for that!
Now for the bad news…. This will be the last summer for the Brooklyn Pump Track. The construction for the future apartments and boardwalk will be at that stage where they’ll need to work on the space the pumptrack and farm are on. So you better get out to the park and ride it before it’s too late!
Brooklyn Pump Track is expected to open very soon so make sure you follow them on their FACEBOOK PAGE for all the updates!