Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Ben’s 1996 Dyno Compe
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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Ben’s 1996 Dyno Compe
Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Ben’s 1996 Dyno Compe
Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
1st, I have to agree with Jason, this Jawn is screaming Retro from the hilltop but not JUST on sight alone. The parts list is dope fo sho and im just not able to take my eyes off of those Odyssey K9 brake calipers. I don’t know if you scored them off the museum or have been saving them for years but those bad boys are F R E S H‼️. Saved by the Bell was after my time but the colors are a decades worth of cool and still FLY to my eyes. This bike is totally Rad and a really tight build🤙🏼
I just gotta say it again, this bike looks FRESH‼️ . That phrase “ a picture is worth a thousand words “ comes to mind and even though it may not be a thousand words, a picture of this Rad Ride definitely puts a part of the LATE 80’s in perspective, at least it does for me. Wild clothes like (original)JAMS and JIMMY’Z were the norm and this bike captures that vibe nicely. This is the bike you wanna show up at 80’s party and dew, and be like “yeah, this my date bro” it’s totally boss!!!!!! 🤙🏼
Thanks so much. i had lots of other up close pictures i wanted to upload with these but i used my phone and it kept telling me my memory was too low so i had to remove lots of them in order to submit these. i say that to say that there is tons of little details i wish i could have sent in with these. i really appreciate the awesome words. i did order some patrick ewing easter high tops that match almost perfectly and also had some custom converse to match as well. this bike is on a few Dyno bmx pages on FB that has tons of other pictures and up close also. Hopefully you could have a look sometime. I had fun with this build and wanted to build something just a bit different rather than a magazine spec build and chose the theme due to this show was very popluar om my young years. I wanted to say Thank you so much for everything you said Sir, I sincerely do appreciate it very much, Thank you.🫡
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Lex Luther VanDross
#1 DAD with a shirt to prove it.
I’m a proud father and try my best to be a good dad. I’m a loving husband fortunate enough to be loved by the woman I love for the better part of 33yrs. I enjoy having a good laugh and keeping it real. Check your BS at the door, and let’s have a good time kind of guy.🤙🏼



Crazy Al Cayne

Raphael Xavier

Felix Martin

Gardening Extraordinaire
Dad to 2 fine young men
Luckiest husband for 33yrs
Dog or no Dog, you hammered down another epic piece of content and I’m hyped on how many people are both rating the bikes and commenting on them as well. It seems like more people have jumped on board your magic carpet ride and to that I gotta say – “ the more the merrier “ no doubt.