Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Troy’s 2022 Throdwn BMX 20in
Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Lois Lane (Butterflies) By R.Q.Tek Is Hip Hop Dopeness!
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Lois Lane (Butterflies) By R.Q.Tek Is Hip Hop Dopeness!
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Lois Lane (Butterflies) By R.Q.Tek Is Hip Hop Dopeness!
Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
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Lately SUGARCAYNE has been adding some flavorful material that is different than what has been traditionally posted and it is simply OFF THE CHARTS DOPE!!!!!! We have seen some reactionary posts to what can only be described as IN YOUR FACE BMX RACING with the explosive crashes & diabolical takeover skill sets of racers, young & older. This informative random treat right hear is just what I’m talking about. It’s got everything from new frames to train heists and everything in between. It is Crazy cool and FRESH‼️ I am digging it and looking forward to whatever comes next 🤙🏼
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post BMX Racing Needs More Moms
Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
Get back funky cat!!!!!! Right now getting robots to balance and manipulate machines and ride bikes or rollersk8 is whatever to me…. I wanna see this digital dip shtuff… ride a half pipe and blast an allyoop turn down the width of the ramp. Wow me with some flatland sickness or at least make the cybernetic organism droids ride the bikes instead of the pack animal droids …….. wait,,,, what am I saying,,,,,, in a months time, they will……. Good grief 🤦🏻♂️
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About Me

Lex Luther VanDross
#1 DAD with a shirt to prove it.
I’m a proud father and try my best to be a good dad. I’m a loving husband fortunate enough to be loved by the woman I love for the better part of 33yrs. I enjoy having a good laugh and keeping it real. Check your BS at the door, and let’s have a good time kind of guy.🤙🏼



Crazy Al Cayne

Raphael Xavier

Felix Martin

Gardening Extraordinaire
Dad to 2 fine young men
Luckiest husband for 33yrs
I would be lying if I said, “ as a kid I was not a bike snob and wouldn’t be caught dead on a HUFFY “ and that is coming from a guy who loved his 1st BMX bike which was a 1981 Raleigh Rampar R10. Aww it was beautiful, apple red with factory yellow tuff wheels (un stamped) and that weak janky goose neck that kept stripping so I convinced my dad I needed a tuff neck which somehow worked even though I used the same handlebars. Now if you don’t know,,,, old school handlebars for a goose neck have an expanded section where they join and that section doesn’t fit into a modern stem because the bar is uniform & gnarled. Anyway …. Doesn’t matter because it still worked (somehow) and it turned the heat up on that rad ride 10 fold. I was a snob from the get go and as a snob still….. I am crazy about what HUFFY. has done and is doing with this new approach towards BMX and their frame innovations. I love it and I will definitely be looking to get my hands on one. If their plan is to build up hype and make people eager for information about their frames…… it’s working !!!!! Haha because I for one want to know what they are doing. It’s really cool and I’m a huge fan of HUFFY.🤙🏼