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About Me

Lex Luther VanDross
#1 DAD with a shirt to prove it.
I’m a proud father and try my best to be a good dad. I’m a loving husband fortunate enough to be loved by the woman I love for the better part of 33yrs. I enjoy having a good laugh and keeping it real. Check your BS at the door, and let’s have a good time kind of guy.🤙🏼



Crazy Al Cayne

Raphael Xavier

Felix Martin

Gardening Extraordinaire
Dad to 2 fine young men
Luckiest husband for 33yrs
T R U E‼️….. I know that’s right, they definitely dialed up the cool factor to 11 on these kicks right HERE‼️. The Ladies and sneakers. I LOVE when my wife wears her sneakers. Let’s just say, she makes EVERYTHING but those sneakers in particular, look really FLY....
I remember a time when it seemed like every girl was sportin these kicks. It was a time when chicks were rockin those leg warmers in the dead of summer and the hair……aw man the hair, it couldn’t get any bigger. The bigger the hair , the better. But...
It’s about time‼️. I don’t know about y’all but I have been waiting for this a LONG time. 1st thoughts are “where the bars at”? It’s just that I have seen concept renderings along with the rest of you and I got to the point where I...
This is tight. I’m feelin this sneaker and the list of what’s packed inside is really dope. I’ve always thought that a BMX sneaker should be as thin as possible, like your barefooted (but look cool) and have something like silly putty in the sole somehow (kind of like...
1972 Garry Turner, a machinist & welder built (not assemble) his 2 sons better bikes than what was available at the time. That moment in time spawned this legendary bike right here. The 20” GT PRO has worn the NORA CUP decal more times than any other bike in...
This track is EPIC‼️ I can’t get over how (I don’t know how to put it into words) how intricate this track is, with its loop around design that cris crosses what seems like countless times, its just so rad. It opens up unlimited options when just riding...
You son a BEEEP‼️ how did you post that image????? GOD!!!!! I am so dang illiterate when it comes these things 😂 lol….. DUDE, that is so rad and a sick connection to have. Ugh!!!! I’m jealous and I don’t mind saying so. I just came back to check...
No matter who someone is, they would have to give Nigel props for taking the wheel (and in this case) rollin with it. From getting Nike to re- brand one of their sneaker lines (that in itself is FRESH) to his outspoken inspirations from his grandmothers home and implementing...
I dig ANY 4130 race bike. It’s just not common anymore so I think it’s DOPE anytime one pops up like this tricked out ride right here. Beautiful bike and an awesome build🤙🏼
Bust ANOTHER left turn was on CRENSHAW…….. Okuri is bringing the HEAT with this gem. I don’t usually get stoked when I see ONYX hubs but the 2 tone is bringing it. I love those forks DANG man,,,,, they are just DOPE‼️. This right here is...