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I concede, I bow to your radical ways MIKE. Can I call you Mike ? I feel we are connected somehow, as if we went to different schools together……… YES , I’d enjoy my bike being crowned “bike of the year” …… who wouldn’t? But good comedy is knowing when to leave the crowd, (preferably on a high note). Seinfeld reference …. No actual meaning. What I’m TRYING to say but keep fumbling my thoughts is , This is PURE ROOTSY RADNESS . Before I go off on some tangent (because I can feel it already) I need to say that I completely agree with Crazy Al. The fact that YOU, the BUILDER of this stun gun of a bike and actually get out there and ride / race this beast into the ground is one of the reasons I’m smiling right now. That lil tid-bit of factOhhhh is a biggie (for me) and elevates my liking TO loving what you have built. AND I want to point out that this was ( built ) not just assembled by you. I put bikes together with various parts, totally awesome and I love doing it, it keeps me sane!!!!!!! But I don’t “build” the bike. There IS a difference LOL hahaha so mad respect on that note. Aw MAN, this bike has my head spinning. I’m so stoked to see this alongside the bikes typically showcased on SUGARCAYNE.com. You are the man Crazy Al. Ok , the color….. YELLOW – how could you have gone with anything else, YAMAHA YELLOW baby , it’s the perfect choice and a no brainer. The FOX shock….. DANG, clearly you weren’t holding back. That’s a thing of beauty in of itself. I believe it was either an option or maybe they came with (I’m not sure) but I thought they came with drum brakes at one point and your use of disk brakes, front & rear is what inspires high 5’s . These BOOSTTEMA forks allow the rad within this bike to flow seamlessly through the entire bike effortlessly. The seat – all I can say is “NAILED IT” . I would say , if you haven’t already….. prepare yourself for people asking you to make one for them. You BUILT something very cool and you make it even cooler by using it and using it hard for its intended purpose so as fan of everything BMX, CHEERS my friend, this bike is definitely a Shocker😜 & a STUNNER🤙🏼. I love it
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NOW ITS A PARTY‼️🩼🧩, (what, you don’t like puzzles)….I’ve been laid up !!!!! Anyway, this is yet another example of a beautiful bike. I mean through & through. This is awesome, we now have 4 I am Cook bikes on this list and each worthy of it. These bikes and the builder & company deserve every bit of exposure they get. I wish one of they was rockin I am Cook forks though. I’ve said it before and it’s just my opinion but I think they are the finest looking forks on the market and being (I THINK) the only 4130 aero/elliptical forks on the market that he shapes himself. They really are a thing of beauty.
Back to you Billy