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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Al’s 2018 Sugar Cayne Newbridge Pro XXL BMX Bike
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Al’s 2018 Sugar Cayne Newbridge Pro XXL BMX Bike
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Homeboy Sandman: Nor Can These Be Sold (At Least By Me) Album Is FIRE!
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I completely forgot about my reaction when 43yearOldFinger was playing. I was in the car listening to my phone, through the car stereo. I’m a life long James Bond fan so when I read the name of the track I chuckled since it struck me as a play on words to GoldFinger. (Actually I giggled like a little school girl)… for real though, LOL. Approaching 3/4 of the way in, when the James Bond GoldFinger sample started, I know my face lit up, I basically yelled OHHHH‼️ I thought it was so freakin cool. I had it in my head already, wondering if the name was a James Bond reference and when I heard it, I must have looked like a fool I you were in the car next to me. Hahaha….. I love it, once again I find myself laughing AT myself. Just wanted to share that experience. Thank you for dropping this dope treat on us. I just shared it with a long time friend who has ALWAYS exposed me to the most diverse music, that I somehow always really like. and I gotta say , it’s a cool and fun feeling to be the one doing the musical enlightening hahaha yeah‼️
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AWWW YEAH! You’re right, this album was definitely a dope musical journey. So many gemz! Thanks for checking it out.