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You Sir, are absolutely correct, I have no idea why I used degrees instead of mm considering I wrote that right after reading about the frame on their website. I can only guess that my foapah was the result of David Hasselhoff momentarily appearing on my television and throwing my concentration completely off. It was the Hoff after all. Anyway, I appreciate your pointing that out because (1). I was totally wrong and (2). I got to read the information about that frame again and every time I do, I get even more interested in this gorgeous frame. Thanks Dude🤙🏼
Gustaf my friend, we don’t know each other personally, but I think it is quite possible we are 2 brothers from another. Connected, not by DNA (although, who knows) but instead by the greatest man to ever live “ The Hofster “. I mean who else could solve major crimes, possibly saving the world in the process while driving a talking car, save countless lives on a beach and sing to MILLIONS of die hard fans at the same time. That’s right‼️ nobody but the The Hof. So Gustaf my friend, the fact that you too lose concentration when Hasselhof dominates the airwaves tells me that you not only have a totally rad sense of humor and style when communicating with others but also share something in common with me other than BMX, HIPHOP & other DOPE TREATS. Take Care Dude🤙🏼 & join SUGARCAYNE or subscribe. Either way – make it a great day 🤙🏼
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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Brian’s 1987 SE PK Ripper
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Tan, Brown x Red Nike Air Force 1 ’07 Is Fresh!
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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Brian’s 1987 SE PK Ripper
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Brian’s 1987 SE PK Ripper
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Yeah the Josh frames are legit! I like the way they look.