Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
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Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
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Lately SUGARCAYNE has been adding some flavorful material that is different than what has been traditionally posted and it is simply OFF THE CHARTS DOPE!!!!!! We have seen some reactionary posts to what can only be described as IN YOUR FACE BMX RACING with the explosive crashes & diabolical takeover skill sets of racers, young & older. This informative random treat right hear is just what I’m talking about. It’s got everything from new frames to train heists and everything in between. It is Crazy cool and FRESH‼️ I am digging it and looking forward to whatever comes next 🤙🏼
Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
Get back funky cat!!!!!! Right now getting robots to balance and manipulate machines and ride bikes or rollersk8 is whatever to me…. I wanna see this digital dip shtuff… ride a half pipe and blast an allyoop turn down the width of the ramp. Wow me with some flatland sickness or at least make the cybernetic organism droids ride the bikes instead of the pack animal droids …….. wait,,,, what am I saying,,,,,, in a months time, they will……. Good grief 🤦🏻♂️
Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
It’s been decades, and I’m not talking about the trick, I’m talking real time , like 3+ decades that Shawn Texas & Tommy Brackens have been my all time favorites. I don’t think it had anything to do with how they raced although Shawn Texas was known for having a bike that liked to kiss other bikes haha yeah!!!!! But it mostly came down to just how cool they looked and the bikes they rode were always the coolest. Awesome artical and post, lots of cool info and just a fun read. So Rad🤙🏼
Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
I am truly Wondering if these are going to be marked to the general public. Huffy Actually entertaining the idea of going all out high end for the production version of these or if theyn are just going to go back to their roots of trying to sell some inferior product
That’s kind of what I was thinking too. My thoughts are (and I realize I have no idea what the numbers look like in their books) BUT, I would think that they are in a real position to put out the best hi-end product or products (wink wink) and carve out their own lil niche out of the Swiss cheese log that is the professional level BMX bike AT a “store bought” price. That sounds weird but you all know what I mean🤷🏻♂️…… affordable. ETHER TEAM MODEL IS MY PICK FOR A NAME. I’m sticking with it no matter what y’all say because I’m trying to always go with my 1st intuitions but I gotta say, now that I’ve said it out loud……eeeeehhhhhh, STILL, 1st intuitions – hahahahaha
So Rad, this frame is TIGHT!!!! , and the color on C Kane’s frame is something HUFFY should seriously consider dropping on the finished product for production. If they are gonna come out swinging with a frame like this , then they should come out swinging with brass knuckles on. That lil emblem on the buttom of C Kane’s frame is the golden ratio. She must like math. That’s RAD
Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
These ladies are all tough as nails. I hope they continue being powerhouses and have the time of their lives. When I see Miss Kittie kicking dirt while zippin off the 1st burm I feel pumped and motivated. This is awesome and I like when the ladies of BMX and Sk8 boarding get the attention I think they deserve. Awesome post🤙🏼
Manon Valentino recently got two podium finishes at Caen Indoor in France!! She’s on a roll!
A victory and a third place, good feelings on the bike, and especially a great weekend with the whole @auber93bmx team. Always a pleasure to ride in this atmosphere! Can’t wait to tackle the Coupe de France with them and see what the season has in store! ~Manon Valentino
Crazy Al Cayne wrote a new post
YO‼️ Project 96 is in da house…… and it is killin it with the flash back flip da script lick of retro Speed Series decals on a modern model. This is FRESH🤙🏼. Great bike and an awesome build.
No Doubt, that WOULD be rad. I love this switch of decades by decal. It just looks fresh when you know where it’s all coming from. 5 years ago you did a botd on a HARO CITIZEN sent in by Steve Waldrop and it’s basically the same idea, and just like this MEAN POLISHED MACHINE…… it looked crazy sick also. So yeah, I’m really diggin this trend or at least I’d like to see it become one. I just wanna see some more ….. that’s all hahahaha. Dang CA, I love BMX bikes hahahahaa🤙🏼.
S U G A R C A Y N E ‼️-
Yeah that Haro build was a classic. Too bad GT and Haro aren’t doing BMX anymore. It was definitely a missed opportunity.
AwwwwSNAP‼️ that’s rite 😂 LOL. I was so caught up in the Kool Aid, I didn’t know the flavor…….. I totally forgot hahaaaaaa🤙🏼 I’m trying to think who could still do it…… ya know, TORKER could be the 1st to put out a carbon twin top tube frame……. (That would be EPIC) in itself, but they could also flip da script and maintain the retro decals that in all honesty should never change. But that would be rad🤙🏼.
THIS ONE is the one you expect a “Factory GT” rider to be riding with attention to detail on every component on this Speed Series. This one, I know, probably rides very nice. I also love the modern disc brake assembly, Avian carbon forks, IKON alloy/ONYX wheelset combo, and the Box components that you can never go wrong with. Kudos to the builder. You can tell he loves BMX just as much as I do.
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Al Cayne
Creator of Spittin In Da Wip, Sugar Cayne Bike Fest and a bunch of other dope treats then I wound up designing BMX bikes!! I also run this site with my alter ego Sugar Cayne lol!


Theobastian Goodlove

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Raphael Xavier

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Sugar Cayne DJ Prototype
I recently received a sample of the Sugar Cayne Dirt Jumper!! Looking forward to doing a review of it. Super Excited!!
I think you should continue doing exactly what you’re doing. This post and the other new posts like the reaction vids to the races are PACKED with flavor….. and I mean DELICIOUS. Non stop entertainment from beginning to end , not to mention very informative, so please….. you keep doing you. The whole FLOW & USABMX collab is very cool , all of it and even cooler that it’s not ALL members only. Just when I thought you can’t improve upon perfection……MARSHAL spitz out this tensioning system. Good grief !!!!! I was wondering what was gonna go into that space on the frame. Like all the posts you put on SUGARCAYNE, this one is off the charts. FRESH‼️
S U G A R C A Y N E‼️