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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Troy’s 2022 Throdwn BMX 20in
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Troy’s 2022 Throdwn BMX 20in
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Troy’s 2022 Throdwn BMX 20in
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Troy’s 2022 Throdwn BMX 20in
Brian Compton upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Roy’s 2009 Bulldog Blackstar 20in BMX Bike
Brian Compton upvoted comment on the post Martini Racing BMX Frame Colorway By Daylight Cycles
Brian Compton upvoted comment on the post Martini Racing BMX Frame Colorway By Daylight Cycles
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Roy’s 2009 Bulldog Blackstar 20in BMX Bike
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Roy’s 2009 Bulldog Blackstar 20in BMX Bike
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About Me

Al Cayne
Creator of Spittin In Da Wip, Sugar Cayne Bike Fest and a bunch of other dope treats then I wound up designing BMX bikes!! I also run this site with my alter ego Sugar Cayne lol!


Theobastian Goodlove

Brian Compton

Raphael Xavier

Toby Henderson

Video Editor
Trail Builder
Hip Hop Producer

Just Ride

Featured Project
Sugar Cayne DJ Prototype
I recently received a sample of the Sugar Cayne Dirt Jumper!! Looking forward to doing a review of it. Super Excited!!
SE is that BMX brand that people know about even if they have never even sat on a bicycle. I think it’s rad SE is stepping up their completes with higher end components. I also think that’s kind of necessary for bike companies to do if they are in the game of selling competes. I was watching one of the bike conventions on YouTube and the piece CA did here on SUGARCAYNE and I think it was FIT but I’m not 100%, maybe S&M, but either way…… they referenced that they had juiced up their completes with brand names (mostly their own – obviously) but it just goes to show that it’s something that had started happening as a standard thing. It’s also cool to see that SE is still making waves. I do have to say that I am rather amazed that they ARE IN FACT STILL making waves with the same ol frame. That to me is the biggest W O W‼️. But – if it ain’t broke……. Don’t fix it rite🤙🏼. Hahaha
S U G A R C A Y N E !!!!!!!