Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Lois Lane (Butterflies) By R.Q.Tek Is Hip Hop Dopeness!
Brian Compton upvoted comment on the post Lois Lane (Butterflies) By R.Q.Tek Is Hip Hop Dopeness!
Brian Compton upvoted comment on the post Professional Black Women BMX Racers From Then And Now
Brian Compton upvoted comment on the post Professional Black Women BMX Racers From Then And Now
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post BMX Racing Needs More Moms
Brian Compton Changed their profile cover
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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Roy’s 2009 Bulldog Blackstar 24in BMX Cruiser
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post The Rich History Of Black Men In BMX Racing
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About Me

Al Cayne
Creator of Spittin In Da Wip, Sugar Cayne Bike Fest and a bunch of other dope treats then I wound up designing BMX bikes!! I also run this site with my alter ego Sugar Cayne lol!


Theobastian Goodlove

Brian Compton

Raphael Xavier

Toby Henderson

Video Editor
Trail Builder
Hip Hop Producer

Just Ride

Featured Project
Sugar Cayne DJ Prototype
I recently received a sample of the Sugar Cayne Dirt Jumper!! Looking forward to doing a review of it. Super Excited!!
IF ONLY‼️. When we have this track pumpin into the ear holes of elevator passengers, we will have achieved a higher level of consciousness.. . . . . . . Haha yeah!!!!! This was kind of hypnotic in that it had me day dreaming after only a few seconds in. I was wondering if it would be a good soundtrack to a compilation of all those explosions & sailor dives in the racing reaction post . Then I was wondering if people like watching themselves crash as much as I enjoy watching myself just bite it, hahahaha aw man that’s good. Anyway……. Definitely a smooth beat and a DOPE TREAT‼️