Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
Favorful words are easy to throw when true and as far as your all , it shows. Plain & Simple, those of us that appreciate the art know when an emcee is half steppin and THAT, simply cannot be said here. Thank you for the invite and I look forward to trading words. Take care and by all means, please keep doing what you’re doing. Haha ✌🏼
Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
I can see these lookin fly with just about any outfit. You can’t miss with Tan/Brown or Sand colored kicks as far as matching your outfit but combine all 3 colors on a real fly looking pair of sneakers….. man forget about it, you could wear a hot air balloon and still look dope.
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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Camron’s 2022 I AM Cook OS20 #006
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Camron’s 2022 I AM Cook OS20 #006
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Camron’s 2022 I AM Cook OS20 #006
Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Best Of – Bike Of The Day 2024
Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Best Of – Bike Of The Day 2024
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Ok Ok, this was a fun listen and that’s always a good thing in my book. Track 4 Lois Lane (butterflies) had me baggin as he started the track off with him macin on a honey only take off from there and track 5 had me shaking my head. I am blown out the water when any emcee spits Lyrics non stop for that long. It’s fascinating on several levels not to mention the simple lung capacity lol… flawless and tight delivery, that was fresh. Track #6. I’m just gonna say that I am a fan of anything with a positive message. I ALWAYS HAVE MY PMA so I’m drawn to anybody else that has a positive mental attitude and includes it into their music or their daily lives. Good Vibes & Positivity is contagious. Peace ✌🏼