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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Street Dog BMX Video Game Might Be The Best Game Yet!
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Ahhhh , no way!!!!!! I’m telling you true. The last video game I played was Tony hawk on….. yes , you guessed it… the PlayStation that I had gotten as a gift and that was about a year after it was released. That’s funny XAV.
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Oh Snappity snap SNAP‼️ I’m out. Womp womp!!!!!! I don’t even have a game console…… but as I was typing that, I remembered that my son left his X-station here. Haha (X station). You know what I mean….. if I can , I would really like to play this game. It looks like it would be a lot of fun with some friends, and not friends that are miles away but friends in the same room 😂 lol. I gotta say, I’ve got mad respect for anyone that teaches themselves to design a video game from concept to product. I want to play it if not for that reason alone. That’s wicked awsome. I agree with Crazy Al , customizing your character is always cool. It just is. I can already see my guy……. I’m not sure what he would look like but I know for a fact that my character will be rocking some sweet bowling shoes. OHHHHHHH , what’s that trick called? The Gutterball Grind baby‼️. Hahhahaaaa yeah. This game looks like a blast.