Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Brandi’s WiaWis Ronkon
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Crenshaw BMX 21.50 BMX Racing Frame
Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
Sugar Cayne wrote a new post
Bust a left turn, was on Crenshaw…….i like the use of different shaped tubes like the triangle seat stays. I would really like to see frames with a removable v-brake mount, not just the posts but the entire mount itself. If someone could play around on the 3D printer and come up with a mount that interlocks and uses a screw to only hold it down, would not only provide the versatility that we see on this frame but also give a cleaner look. I think This frame is dope.
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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Troy’s 2022 Throdwn BMX 20in
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I would be lying if I said, “ as a kid I was not a bike snob and wouldn’t be caught dead on a HUFFY “ and that is coming from a guy who loved his 1st BMX bike which was a 1981 Raleigh Rampar R10. Aww it was beautiful, apple red with factory yellow tuff wheels (un stamped) and that weak janky goose neck that kept stripping so I convinced my dad I needed a tuff neck which somehow worked even though I used the same handlebars. Now if you don’t know,,,, old school handlebars for a goose neck have an expanded section where they join and that section doesn’t fit into a modern stem because the bar is uniform & gnarled. Anyway …. Doesn’t matter because it still worked (somehow) and it turned the heat up on that rad ride 10 fold. I was a snob from the get go and as a snob still….. I am crazy about what HUFFY. has done and is doing with this new approach towards BMX and their frame innovations. I love it and I will definitely be looking to get my hands on one. If their plan is to build up hype and make people eager for information about their frames…… it’s working !!!!! Haha because I for one want to know what they are doing. It’s really cool and I’m a huge fan of HUFFY.🤙🏼
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Lois Lane (Butterflies) By R.Q.Tek Is Hip Hop Dopeness!
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Lois Lane (Butterflies) By R.Q.Tek Is Hip Hop Dopeness!
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Lois Lane (Butterflies) By R.Q.Tek Is Hip Hop Dopeness!
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I can dig it