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Aw man, you can’t do that. You can’t leave me or US hanging like that. I can’t wait to see this. I’ve got my kids old mini Redline proline that I’ve always wanted to redo but never got around to it. I don’t know if yours is a mini or what but I’ve always thought that they were the coolest. There is a couple on BMX museum that I’d love to take on like this mini BREW that is going for $100 I think. Anyway , we shall see. Looking forward to your next one A.🤙🏼
I’ll post it tonight and see what happens. I just didn’t take enough pictures to enter it. It’s a XXL for my 19 year old though. But my 6 year old is telling me he wants his mini painted now too
😂 LOL‼️. It’s clear to me , you know that they are only young once…… so you’ll paint it – and have a 💥 blast revealing it to him hahaha that’s so rad. As for your 19yo’s bike, wait and reveal it when your ready, you put a lot of effort into these and it should be on your terms for sho!!!!!!! But by all means….. do whatever you want because I can promise you , I will be anxiously waiting for your next addition for however long it takes. 🤙🏼. I love BOTD and sending a bike into it. I’ve sent a bike or 2 that haven’t been showcased but that’s how it is. If your pics aren’t on point, it may not get posted. So do it how YOU think it looks it’s best. Looking forward to your next addition 🤙🏼
Haha. Yes I will paint it. I can’t paint his brothers and mine and then not one for him. Then I saw some parts on the go-kart that I bought for me I mean his birthday that would look cool painted too. I was actually just talking to the wife about waiting to post the older son’s bike on here until next month so it’s not competing for bike of the month if it does get accepted as bike of the day. I know that’s a big if. But there is a chance. The paint job is pretty rad as well. I was trying to send a image but it said it’s too big
Dude‼️ the two of us didn’t even think of that 😂 LOL – I’m baggin. Definitely a smart move waiting till next month. CHEERS to the wife🤙🏼. Your go-cart, I MEAN your sons go-cart should definitely get any and all customizations your able to throw at it, if I had one (and I would LOVE to have one) I would hook it it up any way I could afford to. Best of luck hooking it up (for your son of course) hahahaha. Take care & be well my friend 🤙🏼
I can’t stop staring at this bike every time I walk by. I meant (rated high on my bros supercross not hated)
Hahahaha I know and enjoy that feeling, you’ve got good reason to do so my friend, a lot of work went into it so keep on keeping on. And as far as hating & rating……. It’s all the same ….. only the names have changed……… hahahahah I can’t stand Jovi hahahahaha . It’s all good but thanks for the clarification 🤙🏼
Hey, Ryan the painter/artist behind this paint job owner of MidCoat Customs in Autobody and paint said he had two cars In the Starbirds custom car show in Tulsa he had one that red was so nice that when I told him I wanted a custom red color way he knew just what red to choose. He picked correcly
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Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Waki’s 2013 St Martin Ten Flatland BMX
Sugar Cayne upvoted comment on the post Bike Of The Day: Waki’s 2013 St Martin Ten Flatland BMX
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Namaste my friend. This is what I’m talking bout !!!!! This is what is meant by saying “kick it up a notch”. The painter did this bike justice (not that a prophecy needs ANY help looking F I N E) but , this bodacious lick of red and all the honeycomb’s & detailing that went into it…….I mean the tt alone is a work of art. Yeah man….. this paint is second to none, really DOPE‼️ parts list CHECK – originality CHECK – style CHECK…… hahahaa this bike isn’t just a monster Andrew, it’s a BEAST🤙🏼